clothing: mantle; cornucopia; Isis; Nephthys; crown, double feathers; crown, unspecified; Helios; rays (4); busts (3); bird, with human head; flail; clothing: tunic; Sarapis; scarab, with outstreched wings; scepter, unspecified; throne; solar disk; Harpocrates; gesture, hand raised to mouth; boat, papyrus
Divine Names & Voces:
Μιχαήλ; Γαβριήλ and variants; Ῥαφαήλ and variants; Σαμαήλ
A: Sarapis enthroned to left on a papyrus boat, wearing tunic and mantle, left hand leaning on a tall scepter, right hand stretched forward. Above his head, a scarab with outstretched wings, facing the scarab, the bust of Helios in profile, with four rays around the head. Below Helios, the scarab-bodied figure of Harpocrates, with a solar disk on his head, right hand holding a flail, left hand raised to mouth. Behind the throne another figure of Harpocrates with the body of a bird, double crown and cornucopia. The prow and stern of the boat are topped with the busts of Isis and Nephthys (?), with Isis wearing the double feather crown, and Nephthys' crown unscpecified. Letters above the scene: ιαλ δα; inscription below the boat: βαιμ.
B: Inscribed in four lines: μιχαηλ|γαβριηλ|σαμαηλ|ραφαηλ → Μιχαήλ, Γαβριήλ, Σαμαήλ, Ραφαήλ.
CBd-1669. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
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