animal: cynocephalus; crown, unspecified; figure, jackal-headed; birds, unspecified; birds (2); clothing: kilt; solar disk; rays (6); star; plant: lotus buds (2); moon, crescent; Harpocrates sitting on lotus flower; Harpocrates seated with one leg bent in knee; gesture, ithyphallic; gesture, greeting; flail; boat, papyrus; scepter, unspecified
Divine Names & Voces:
Ἀβρασάξ; Βαϊνχωωωχ, variants
A: Harpocrates sitting with one leg bent in knee on a lotus flower with two buds, which is situated in a papyrus boat with falcon-heads. Harpocrates is crowned with the solar disk and six rays, right hand raised in greeting, left hand holding a flail. On the left, facing him, the standing figure of jackal-headed Anubis in kilt, left hand holding a sceptre; on the right, behind him, an ithyphallic baboon with paws raised in greeting and crowned with the solar disk. Crwoned falcons perch on the prow and stern of the boat. To the left of the head of Harpocrates, a crescent, to the right, an eight-pointed star.
B: Inscribed in ten lines: χαυρ|δχφηεσ|χηρφυχρ|οφηυρωφ|νχροφνυυ||ωφωχωβωχ|βαιχωωωχα|βρασαξδοσ|χαριναλε| ξανδρ → variant of χαβραχφβεσκηρφικροφνυρωφωχωβωχ">χαβραχ-logos, variant of Βαϊνχωωωχ, variant of Ἀβρασάξ, δὸς χάριν Ἀλεξάνδρ<ῳ> or <ᾳ>?
CBd-1741. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
Retrieved from: on 09-03-2025.