Anguipes, cock-headed; scarab; whip; weapon: shield, with Ἰάω; weapon: armour; crown, double; plant: lotus buds (2); Harpocrates sitting on lotus flower; Harpocrates seated with knees drawn up; gesture, hand raised to mouth; flail; side-lock of youth
Divine Names & Voces:
σεσεγγενβαρφαραγγης and variants; Ἰάω; Ἀκραμμαχαμαρεί and variants; Ἰάω, variants; Ἀβλαναθαναλβα, variants; vocales, in pterygoma form; Μιχαήλ
A: Frontal view of a cock-headed Anguipes in armour, head to right. Right hand raised high and holding a whip, left hand holding a round shield. Inscription in the shield: ιλαααζω → variant of Ἰαω? (E. Zwierlein-Diehl: darin steckt Iαω und ζῶ). Around, above the head of the Anguipes: ιαω → Ἰαω. Below, a scarab. Inscription around, beginning to the left of the figure: ακραμαχαμαρειαβλαναθαναλβμιχαηλ → variants of Ἀκραμμαχαμαρεί and Ἀβλαναθαναλβα, Μιχαήλ.
B: Harpocrates sitting to left on a lotus flower, nude, with knees drawn up. Left hand holding a flail, right hand raised to mouth. On the head: the solar disk (Zwierlein-Diehl: double crown), side-lock of youth visible. Inscription around the figure in the free field: αρκαθβαοιαωσισενγενβαρφαρανγη → αρκαθβαο Ἰαω, variant of σεσεγγενβαρφαραγγης.
C: Inscription around the edge: αεεηηηιιιιοοοοουυυυυυωωωωωωω → vocales in pterygoma form.
CBd-1947. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
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