A: Ouroboros, head at top, to right, enclosing characteres in three lines. Top, from left to right: cross, Z-sign, six-pointed star; middle: arrow, square with slash, cross in circle, gamma; bottom: two arrows, iota. Above the Ouroboros, in the middle: the ram-headed Khnum sitting on a low three-legged stool, head to left, crowned with the solar disk, lower body and legs coated with a mantle. He extends both arms to the left, holding up a uterus. On the left: Bes, to front, with bent knees, above his head: Harpocrates sitting with knees drawn up, left hand raised to mouth, right hand holding a flail, head crowned with the double crown of Egypt. On the right: Isis standing in profile to left, wearing tunic and mantle, right hand holding the key (to the uterus), left hand holding a situla, head crowned with the double feather crown.
Inscription around the figures, beginning on the left side: see E. Zwierlein-Diel's transcription (Zwierlein-Diehl, Köln on CBd-231).
Zwierlein-Diehl, Köln on CBd-231