Description: Transverse oval, very slightly convex. Orange carnelian. Intact save for a small chip along the edge.
A: Ouroboros, with eight rays around the head, enclosing an inscription in five lines: ωναχβιa|ζαναψιβαζα|βαμαιαζζαω|ωνσεπιαχ|μηνευσ. → unidentified voces. On either side of the snake’s head: Z-signs. B: Inscription in six lines: εανωχιαα|βιησανασαμα|ζαβαμααιζα|ιααωναχα|σαμασαβαμα||χιζα. → unidentified voces.
CBd-2328. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
Retrieved from: on 09-03-2025.