figure, lion-headed; clothing: kilt/pteryges?; plant: palm branch?; rays (7); solar disk; Chnoubis, with unspecified head; Chnoubis-signs (2)
Divine Names & Voces:
voces, unidentified; Χνουφίς?
Description: Upright oval, both faces convex, lentoid. Shape 1. Blue chalcedony. Intact.
A: Lion-headed man standing to left, wearing a kilt or pteryges, upper body nude. Above the lion-head, solar disc with rays (Helioros). The figure is holding Chnoubis in the right hand and a palm branch(?) in the left hand. B: Inscription and characteres in five lines: χνουψη|Chnoubis sign|χνουρ|Chnoubis sign|πιαρρα|μωτφρηθ → variant of the name Χνουφίς?; Chnoubis-signs and unidentifed voces.
CBd-2353. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
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