Chnoubis-sign; Anubis; Isis; cord; bird: ibis, tied to an altar; clothing, unspecified; clothing: garment; vessel: situla?
Description: Side A upright oval, side B transverse oval, both faces flat. Shape 8–9. Black steatite (J. Spier) / "indeterminate, basaltic stone?" (Getty website). Intact.
A: On the left, a jackal-headed Anubis standing in profile to right, holding a vessel (situla?) in the right hand and a scepter (?) in the left hand. In front of him Isis wearing a long robe and the double feather crown. Anubis and Isis stand above an ibis striding in profil to left. The bird is tied to an altar with a cord at the neck. B: Chnoubis sign. Below, inscription in three lines: πεπτε|επικοπτε|πεπτε → πέπτε, ἐπικόπτε, πέπτε. Approximate translation: 'Digest, shatter(?), digest!'
CBd-2372. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
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