Description: Upright oval, both faces flat. Shape 8. Haematite, damaged at the top and at the bottom. Set in a modern gold mount with a revolving bezel.
From Egypt, purchased through E. A. Burghart in 1821.
A: Aphrodite anadyomene in three-quarter view to left, wearing himation and wringing her hair. She is standing as if touched by a jackal-headed and a donkey-headed figure, both wearing kilts and holding sa-signs in their outer hands. In the lower register, a bandaged, crowned mummy lying with head to left (Osiris), on the back of a lion (with a snake's double tongue and a snake-headed tail) walking to left.
B: Greek inscription: Αθωρι → a variant of Ἀθώρ or unidentified vox, with seven characteres below.
Zwierlein-Diehl, AGWien III on CBd-2421
Michel, DMG, 4.1.d_1.