Description: Both sides upright oval and flat. Shape 8c. Dark gray haematite, small damages on both sides. Set in a modern, gilded silver mount.
Already at the Kunsthistorisches Museum in 1806.
A: Hecate trimorph standing on a lion in a long garment, holding daggers in her uppermost hands, burning torches in the middle, whips in the lowermost hands. The three heads are adorned with modii. The lion walks to left, trampling a lying figure. Greek inscription in the free field around the figures: letters, υποτλσεεκατη → ὑπότασ(σ)ε Ἑκάτη. 'Conquer, Hecate!' (S. Michel).
B: Aphrodite anadyomene in three-quarter view, to left, wearing himation and wringing her hair. Head crowned with a crescent and feathers (?).
Zwierlein-Diehl, AGWien III on CBd-2425
Michel, DMG, 37.A.3.c_2.