Zwierlein-Diehl, AGWien III, 2196; Michel, DMG, no. 19.5_4
Former Collections:
Viczay, Mihály (Hédervár, 1757–1831)
jasper, green to black
19,5 x 14,8 (si.O.) x 3,9 mm
2nd half of 2nd – 1st half of 3rd c. AD (Zwierlein-Diehl)
Harpocrates; solar disk; figure, male; gesture, kneeling; gesture, hand raised to mouth; bird: falcons (2); plant: lotus buds (2)
Description: Transverse oval, both faces flat. Shape 8. Dark green jasper. Set in a modern gold ring with a revolving bezel.
From the collection of Mihály Viczay, Hédervér; purchased in 1825.
A: Nude, kneeling figure, to left, supporting the squatting figure of Harpocrates, represented inside the solar disk. The young Horus sits to left, right hand raised to mouth. To the sides, falcons crowned with the double crown of Egyot, both perching on lotus buds. B: Plain.
CBd-2439. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
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