Zwierlein-Diehl, AGWien III, 2219; Michel, DMG, no. 41.2_3
Former Collections:
Lanna, Adalbert von (Prague 1836–1909)
jasper, green and red
29 x 30.4 (si.O.) x 6.2 mm
2nd c. AD (Zwierlein-Diehl)
Pantheos; modius; horns, of ram; snakes?; clothing: tunic; weapon: armour; tail of bird; tail of crocodile; protomes of animals (4-4)
Divine Names & Voces:
Description: Upright oval, both faces flat. Shape 8–9. Green jasper with red flecks and stripes (heliotrope). Broken, the lower quarter of the piece is missing; the edge is very chipped. Set in a modern gold pendant.
Purchased from the collection of Adalbert von Lanna, Prague in 1937.
A: Beardless human-headed Pantheos (?) to front, head crowned with a modius with horns and snakes (?). Animal protomes project from the head: to the left: bull, snake, ram, lion, to the right: jackal, panther, ibis. He wears tunic and armour (?). The figure has two pairs of arms and wings, with a bird's tail (to the left) and a crocodile's tail (to the right) of his body. Greek inscription to the left and right of the figure: οι?]|ωωα → vocales. B: Greek letters and characteres.
CBd-2463. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
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