Description: Side A upright oval, side B transverse oval, both sides lenticular. Shape probably 1. Yellowish white, translucent chalcedony, intact. Set in a modern gold mount with a revolving bezel.
Purchased in 1853.
A: Lion-headed Chnoubis, to left, head crowned with eleven rays. Around: ανοχ|χνουμισ → Ἀνοχ Χνουμίς. 'I am Cnoumis.'
B: Chnoubis-sign. Below: ιαηιαω|ανοχ → vocales, Ἰάω Ἀνοχ. 'I am Ἰάω.'
Zwierlein-Diehl, AGWien III on CBd-2469
Michel, DMG, 11.2.b_12.