Description: Roughly rectangular gem, corners rounded, both faces flat. Haematite. Intact.
A: Harpocrates sitting nude with knees drawn up, to left, on a lotus flower with two buds, placed inside a papyrus boat. Side-lock of youth visible, solar disk on the top of his head. Right hand raised to mouth, left hand lowered and holding a flail. A seven-pointed star on the left, and a crescent on the right side of the young deity's head. Around, triads of animals, clockwise from top: scarabs, goats, cobras, crocodiles, falcons with double crowns.
B: Greek inscription in five lines: αεεηηη|ιιιιοοο|οουυυυ|υυωωω|ωωωω → vocales in pterygoma-form.
Michel, DMG, 19.4.b_2
The Harvard Arts Museums database on CBd-3018