Harpocrates seated with knees drawn up; Harpocrates sitting on lotus flower; flail; gesture, hand raised to mouth; crown, lotus; plant: branches
Description: Upright oval, side A flat or lightly convex. Green jasper with red spots (heliotrope), damaged at the left border, otherwise intact. Set in a modern gold ring.
A: Harpocrates sitting nude with knees drawn up on a lotus flower with two branches,the chalice of the flower resembling a boat. Head and feet to right. Head crowned with the lotus-crown. Right hand holding a flail, left hand raised to mouth. B: Hidden.
Bibliography Jonge, CdE, no. 1164. Maaskant-Kleibrink 1978, 355-356, no. 1120. Michel, DMG, 19.1.a_1. Rijksmuseum website on CBd-3180
CBd-3180. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
Retrieved from: cbd.mfab.hu/cbd/3180 on 09-03-2025.