voces, unidentified; αρβαθ and variants; Ἀνοχ; Ἰάω, variants
A: On the left: the jackal-headed Anubis wearing a tunic and mantle, arms crossed in front of the chest. On the right: Isis in a long garment, holding a sistrum in her right hand, and a menat in her left hand, on her head the Isis-crown. Between them inscription: λερθεμει|νω → part of λερθεμεινω-logos. In the edge: πισ[...]ουθιβραμφ → unidentified voces.
B: Inscription in three lines: διδειηδιωα|αρβαθανω|ψ → voces including variant of Ἰάω, αρβα, variant of Ἀνοχ?
CBd-391. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
Retrieved from: cbd.mfab.hu/cbd/391 on 08-02-2025.