σεσεγγενβαρφαραγγης and variants; Σαβαώθ; Δαμναμενεύς; Ἀβλαναθαναλβα, variants; σεμεσειλαμ and variants
A: On the right: Male figure standing to left with chlamys and five rays around his head (Helios). In his left arm a whip; on his outstreched right palm a small female figure (Nike) standing on a globe and passing a laurel to Helios. In the middle of the gem a female figure with a crescent on her head (Selene), touching the baseline only with her toes. She is wearing a peplos and a veil that forms a large half-circle around her head and shoulders. In her right hand a torch, the flame is tending downwards; her left hand is holding the end of the veil. On the left: the fragment of a nude male figure with beard (Zeus?), holding a long scepter in his left hand. Inscription between Helios and Selene in four lines: αν|κρ|χα|νη. At right, next to Helios: α|α. Horizontally, under the figures: μυννρ → unidentified voces.
B: Inscription in four concentric circles, beginning on the left in the middle of the gem:
χρα[- -]βωοω[- - -]βαωθαβλαθαναλβααχρεισεσενγενβαρφαρανγησοση[- -] → voces including variant of Ἀβλαναθαναλβα-palindrome; σεσεγγενβαρφαραγγης.
C: Around (fragment): [.]εμεσιλαμψδαμναμ[- - -] → variant of σεμεσειλαμ; Δαμναμ[ενεύς].
CBd-444. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
Retrieved from: cbd.mfab.hu/cbd/444 on 09-03-2025.