A: Enclosed within an irregular square frame interpreted as the starry mantle of the goddess: in the middle, Isis-Hathor-Aphrodite standing to front, head to right, wearing a tunic and mantle on her lower body, and the double feather crown (or Isis-crown?) on her head. In her right: scepter with the figure of a cow on top, her left hand touches the shoulder of Osiris represented in a bandage-like garment. Osiris crowned with the solar disk and an uraeus, in his left hand a scepter, the right hand touches the mantle of the goddess below the waist. At left, behind the goddess, Harpocrates standing to left on a small pedestal or altar, wearing a kilt, and the hemhem crown. Star over his head, one over the heads of Isis-Hathor and Osiris, and eighteen others in vertical columns between the figures and between the group and the margins.
B: Plain.
Bonner 1951 on CBd-490
Michel, BM on CBd-490
Gordon 2011, 44, pl. 9.
The British Museum Collection database on CBd-490