gesture, hand raised to mouth; Horus; scarabs (3); bird: falcons (3); animal: goats (3); Ouroboros; scarab, with outstreched wings; solar disk; flail
Divine Names & Voces:
Γαβριήλ and variants; Οὐριήλ
A: Upper part of a broken magical gem. Ouroboros enclosing Harpocrates surrounded by triads of animals. In the middle: Harpocrates, his right hand raised to his mouth, his left hand holds a flail. Around him presumably triads of animals: above, scarabs, on the left, two falcons (S. Michel: with solar disks on their heads), on the right, two goats. Letters in front of the god: ιαω. Around: fragments of an inscription between the Ouroboros and an oval line. Beginning above the head of the Ouroboros: ιαεωβαφρεν[- - - -]. On the left side, beginning above the broken edge: [- - - -]ιθονυομεν → part of ιαεωβαφρενεμουνοθιλαρικριφιαευεαιφιρκιραλιθονυομενερφαβωεαι">Ἰαεω‑palindrome.
B: Upper part of a scarab with outstreched wings. Above, inscription in wo lines: γαιβριηλ|ουριηλ → Γαβριήλ, Οὐριήλ.
CBd-530. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
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