solar disk; clothing: kilt; hieroglyph, ankh; scepter, with falcon on the top; Horus
Divine Names & Voces:
Ἀβρασάξ; Σαβαώθ; θωζαξαζωθ
A: Standing falcon-headed Horus, his head in profile, to left. He is wearing a kilt, on the top of the head the solar disk. He is holding a long scepter with a falcon on the top in his right hand and the hieroglyph 'ankh' in his left hand. Around, beginning top right:αβρασα[.][.]αβαωθ → Ἀβρασά[ξ], [Σ]αβαώθ.
B: Inscribed in two lines: θωζα|ξαζωθ → θωζαξαζωθ.
CBd-539. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
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