Ouroboros; scepter, unspecified; flail; Harpocrates sitting on lotus flower; Harpocrates seated with one leg bent in knee; plant: lotus buds (2); side-lock of youth; gesture, hand raised to mouth; crown, unspecified; figure, with multiple arms; tail of crocodile; cartouche; animal: quadrupeds, unspecified; scarab; snake; feet, in the shape of jackal's heads; tufts on the knees (animal protomes); protomes of animals; tail of bird; scepters (2)
A: Pantheos striding to right, on Ouroboros cartouche enclosing hardly identifiable animals (scarab, cobra, ram?). Head, to front, is bearded and surrounded by small animal protomes. The god has four arms and four wings. Upper arms hold scepters, lower arms hang beside the body, right one holding flail, left one holding a short staff. Large bird’s tail and crocodile’s tail start out from the hips, next to the right leg: head of a snake. Feet, to left, are in the shape of jackal’s heads, knees decorated with animal protomes.
B: Harpocrates sitting in profile, to right, on a lotus flower with two buds. Right leg drawn up in knee, right hand to mouth, left hand (not visible) holding flail. Crowned head in profile, to left, side-lock of youth hardly identifiable.
CBd-560. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
Retrieved from: cbd.mfab.hu/cbd/560 on 06-02-2025.