A: Bust of a youth (Helios), head to left, right arm close to the body and holding a whip, on the head: crown with seven rays. Chlamys thrown over the left shoulder, chest protected by a breastplate. Inscription in two lines on the breastplate: χε|σ+
C: Inscription on the edge: ομειζωντησυπεροχησοτησδυνα.
B: Inscription in six lines, continuation of the inscription on the edge: μεωσισχυ|ροτεροσοτω|νενκομι|ωνκρεισσω|νμεννα||θ → ὁ μείζων τῆς ὑπεροχῆς ὁ τῆς δυνάμεως ἰσχυρότερος ὁ τῶν ἐγκωμίων κρείσσων μενναθ.
’The one who is transcending all pre-eminence, more powerful than all power, better than all praise, Mennath.’ The text reflects Caput 31 of the Poimandres hymn in the Corpus Hermeticum, the present translation follows that of G.R.S. Mead.
Bonner, SMA on CBd-647
Michel, BM on CBd-647
The British Museum Collection database on CBd-647