A: Pantheos striding right on a cartouche enclosing letters. The god is bearded, the head, in profile, to right, is crowned with a modius and surrounded by five rays. He wears a tunic, and has only two wings, and two arms, each holding a scepter topped with X-shaped signs and crossed by two short horizontal lines at the bottom. Left foot to right, right foot lifted. In the free field around the figure: βακαξι. Inscription inside the cartouche: χυχ → part of βακαξιχυχ-logos.
B: Plain.
CBd-648. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
Retrieved from: cbd.mfab.hu/cbd/648 on 07-09-2024.