A: Frontal view of Anguipes in armour and mantle, head lost. Right arm originally raised and holding a whip, left arm holding a round shield, with porpax and antilabe visible. Inscription below the figure: ιαω → Ἰάω. Remains of an inscription along the edge on the left, running vertically from bottom to top: αεη, above the shield: ε → vocales.
B: Helios standing to front on the back of a lion striding left. Helios is nude except for a chlamys thrown over the left shoulder. Head and the originally raised right arm are lost, in the outstretched left hand a globe. In the free field on the right: a lying crescent and five stars (two six-pointed and three eight-pointed). Rest of an inscription around the edge, beginning next to the globe and running to right: [- -]λαναθαναλβααβρα[- -] → Ἀβλαναθαναλβα-palindrome, Ἀβρα[σάξ]. In the second line on the left: φρην → variant of Φρῆ.
Michel, BM on CBd-657
The British Museum Collection database on CBd-657