A: Tropaion composed of armour and two round shields, supported by a pole driving through the leaping body of a lion, to left, and a human figure lying face down on the ground, also to left. In the free field around the figure six six-pointed stars. Inscription on the left side, above the lion’s head: εωι; on the right side: ιαω → anagramma for Ἰάω, as two variants of the same name (S. Michel: εἰμὶ ιαω). Inscription around the edge, from left to right, beginning after the rest of an originally six-pointed star: ναεαμενειδειλεναεηιαεισ, traces of three further letters are visible following the σ → unidentified voces.
B: Frontal view of a cock-headed Anguipes, head in profile, to right, in armour. Right arm rasied high and holding a whip, left arm held close to the body and holding a round shield, porpax visible. Below the figure: Gorgoneion with wings at her temples, the snakes in her hair seem to be replaced with the Anguipes’ snake’s legs. In the free field around the figures: four six-pointed stars. Inscription to the left of the figure: ιει; around the edge, beginning at bottom left: νιυ ελιυινυσι υινι υσν → unidentified voces.
Attributed to the Tropaion master (Á. M. Nagy).
(Alterations from S. Michel’s readings are based on close observation of the gem by Á. M. Nagy, 2010).
Michel, BM on CBd-673
Nagy 2011, 77-78, pls. 5a-b. (Tropaion master)
The British Museum Collection database on CBd-673