A: Human-headed Chnoubis, to left, the end of the tail coiling above a cylindrical base, which is profiled at the top, bottom and middle. Above Chnoubis: rest of a scarab with outstretched wings. Rest of an inscription in the free field to the left of the figure: [.]αω → [Ἰ]άω. Below: two six-pointed stars and a lying crescent. To the right of the figure: a larger six-pointed star. Two Chnoubis-signs on each side of the base. The human-headed snake can also be interpreted as Sarapis Agathodaimon.
B: Inscription in three lines: σαβ[.]|ωμιχ|αηρ → Σαβ[α]ώ, Μιχαήρ.
Michel, BM on CBd-699
The British Museum Collection database on CBd-699