A: Ouroboros, head to right, encircling a uterus-symbol, which has a seven-bitted key with a jackal-headed handle. Above the uterus, a group of deities. On the left: Bes, to front, with bent knees, above his head: Harpocrates sitting with one leg bent in knee, right hand raised to mouth, head crowned with the sun-disk. In the middle: frontal view of Isis, wearing himation and chlamys, right hand raised above the head of Harpocrates, left hand holding the symbol of the uterus, head crowned with the Isis-crown. On the right: ram standing in profile to right, head crowned with the solar disk. Inscription in the free field in three lines. First line beginning below the head of the Ouroboros, from left to right: ωμφοροφομφοροφωτησψεεωχωχαιονχουχ. Second line, also beginning below the head of the Ouroboros, from left to right: οσψωνιουα?μερ. Third line, to the left of the uterus: ιφυ; fourth line, to the right of the uterus: εου. Outside the Ouroboros: αεειαυω...ωαενειουωωκηιραωνινοφαεηιουωα.
B: Falcon-headed scarab with crown, crawling vertically upwards, head to left. Below: the symbol of the uterus, resembling an octopus (
or hieroglyph indicationg solar disk with rays?). Inscription around, in the first line: αβαμβαωαηαυηαιυ...ναρωπουωμψανο?; in the second line, to the right of the scarab: ωουθμαρωουχαχ; between the scarab and the uterus: βα..
C: Inscription beginning at the bottom, running from right to left:
Michel, BM on CBd-748
The British Museum Collection database on CBd-748