A: On the left, a boat and a figure with outstretched arms on board (Jonah). Beside the boat, on the right, a square with an ’x’ in its middle, above this, the upper body of a figure, head in profile to right, arms raised towards a bird, facing him (Noah). Below the bird, a small tree. The two scenes are divided with notches. In the lower segment, also divided by notches, a crocodile-like monster. In the free field, untransliterated alphabetic letters, perhaps ιησ.
B: On the left, a frontal figure with head in profile to right, wearing boots and a kilt (Jesus as the Good Shepherd). Both arms are raised and hold the legs of a sheep, whose head is visible in profile to left. On the right a figure, sitting in profile to left within a tent of gourds, pointing downwards with his finger (Jonah). Around, untransliterated alphabetic letters. Below the figures: marks imitating letters.
C: Around the edge, untransliterated alphabetic letters and characteres.
CBd-822. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
Retrieved from: cbd.mfab.hu/cbd/822 on 09-03-2025.