voces, unidentified; Ἀνοχ; Ἀβλαναθαναλβα, variants; Λαϊλαμ and variants; Σερφουθ Μουι Σρω; σουμαρτα and variants
A: In the middle of the gem two concentric circles (Ouroboroi), with rays on the left and the right side. Inside, inscription in six lines: χουθυ|λαιλαμ|θαλθαλ|ψυθαλθο|ροσιο||ιω → voces including Λαϊλαμ. Outside, on the left: πυροσοχ[- - -]|κρηφο|συμαρτα|αρφου|ουθερ||φουθ.Outside, on the right: ανοχ|μουι|ωρω|υαλαλ → voces including variant of σουμαρτα,Ἀνοχ, variant of Σερφουθ Μουι Σρω. Under the Ouroboroi: λυσοιθιδαβυθω[- -] συπινειψια → unidentified voces.
B: Characteres.
C: αβλανα[- -]ινα[- -]αν → variant of Ἀβλαναθαναλβα.
CBd-863. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
Retrieved from: cbd.mfab.hu/cbd/863 on 26-01-2025.