1. Wide side: Anubis as mummy to left. Below: inscription in three lines: αφιανο|χειερ|ωχι → voces including Ἀνοχ.
1. Narrow side: Isis standing to left, wearing a long garment and a mantle. On her head the Isis-crown. She is holding a situla in her left hand and a sistrum or a snake in her right. Below: Inscription in two lines: εχωθ|ισιθι → unidentified voces.
2. Wide side: Falcon-headed Horus to left, wearing a kilt and holding a scepter with a bird on the top in his right hand. Below on the left, vertically: αν. Below on the right, vertically: οχ → Ἀνοχ.
2. Narrow side: Standing nude? female figure to left, holding a snake? in her right hand. Below: σθη.
On the bottom of the pendant inscription in three lines: μφπ|επαρα|ημητ → unidentified voces.
Michel, BM on CBd-948
The British Museum Collection database on CBd-948