or striding attitude is apparently not elsewhere attested either for Isis or for Demeter.
Rev. Plain.
Haematite. Upright oval, 24 X 19 X 3.
Obv. Cow-headed goddess standing to front holding a flaming torch in each hand (Isis-Hathor as Hecate?). She is clothed in a long tunic, apparently sleeveless, which is drawn up and allowed to fall over the concealed girdle.
Over her head θαρoυχovvω, at l., βαλβαvηχ, at r., λαεvvoυρα.
Rev. Plain.
Heavy ironstone. Upright oval, 41 X 34 X 11. Obverse flat, reverse very convex.
Obv. Isis-Hathor with head of cow, seated to r. in low-backed chair, suckling the infant Horus. She wears a headdress of two long horns with small disk between them.
Rev. Plain.
Rock crystal. Upright rectangle with rounded top, 20 X 14 Χ 3.
Obv. Isis seated to r. in high-backed chair with infant Horus on knees. She wears a head ornament of a tall upright (a plume?) flanked by two shorter ones.
Rev. ή χάρις.
Lapis lazuli. Upright oval, 19 X 16 X 3.
Obv. Isis seated to r., Horus on her knees, the child sketchily executed. Crown of two upright feathers (?) supported by two horns (?). Inscription beginning at r., αθθα βαθθα.
Rev. Bes standing to front, two broad feathers on head, star at l., crescent at r. Inscription beginning at lower l., τασβερβερετες.
Black jasper. Upright oval, 24 X 18 X 4. Perforated near top.
Obv. Isis seated to r. in high-backed chair, holding Horus on knees. Crown of indistinct form on her head, disk over head of Horus. Round margin, beginning at lower l., αθθα βαθθα.
Rev. Bes standing to front, three feathers on head; crescent at r., star at l. Round edge, τασβερβερετες.
Black jasper. Upright oval, 17 Χ 15 Χ 3.
Obv. Isis seated to r. with infant Horus on knee. Very crude work and so abraded by constant wear that some shallow incisions have disappeared; only the upper corner of the chair back remains. At the sides, beginning at r., αθθα βαθθα.
Rev. Bes, crowned with three feathers; crescent at r., star at l. On the bevel, which is rounded by wear, τ
ερβερετας .
Greenish black jasper. Rectangular, 19 X 18 Χ 3. Perforated for cord.
Obv. Isis seated to r. in high-back chair suckling the infant Horus. She wears a tall headdress or crown, apparently a calathus between two horns. Above, three scarabs; at r., three hawks, three crocodiles; at l., three goats, three scorpions; below, three cobras and a single owl (?).
Rev. In five lines, σθoμβαυλη βαυληβαυλη σθoμσθoμ βoλoκoσθo βληθ.
Haematite. Upright oval, 29 X 19 X 3. In perfect preservation.
Obv. Harpocrates seated to l. on low pedestal, disk on head, finger in mouth. Behind him, Isis kneeling and holding his head. She wears an indistinct crown, consisting of a taller projection (cap or reed bundle) and two shorter ones (a suggestion of horns or uraei); scarf floating back behind her shoulders.
Rev. The palindrome Iaeobaphrenemoun, etc., with slight inaccuracies.
Green jasper. Upright oval, 20 X 15 X 4.
Obv. Harpocrates and Isis in same position as on the preceding stone. The headdress of Isis seems to be two