The CBd
Bonner, SMA, 280.

The Snake-Legged God

Obv. Cock-headed anguipede, nude except for kilt; head to r., whip in r. hand, lash over head, shield on l. arm. Letters of Iao separate in field. A good normal type.
Rev. Abrasax.
Green jasper shading to dark red at top. Upright oval, 19 X 13 X 2.
Obv. Cock-headed anguipede, nude except for kilt, head to r., whip with hanging lash in r., shield on r. arm. Three stars in field, crescent at upper r., Iao below.
Rev. Abrasax, star above, crescent below.
Green jasper. Upright oval, 26 X 19 Χ 4.
Obv. Cock-headed anguipede, wearing chlamys over r. shoulder, and kilt; whip in r. hand brandished over head, shield on l. arm, but only partly shown, as if partly concealed by the body. Iao round edge of shield.
Rev. Ouroboros enclosing sabao.
Green jasper. Upright oval, 18 X 14 Χ 4.
Obv. Cock-headed anguipede, nude except for kilt, head to r., r. hand holds whip almost horizontally across the body. On l. arm large shield, so held that the inside is seen; on it the vowels ιαηιεηιoυω. The specimen is unusual in two points. Both snaky legs turn to r., one crossing the other; and the exaggeration of the cock's comb and wattles makes it easy to take the head for that of an ass.
Rev. Plain.
Black jasper. Upright oval, 15 X 11 X 4.
Obv. Cock-headed anguipede to r.; chlamys hanging from r. shoulder, kilt. R. hand raised, whip indistinct if present, oblong shield on l. arm with letters Iαω. Many indistinct letters in field, three characters below. The cock's comb here resembles five short rays.
Rev. Abrasax followed by six characters.
Green jasper shaded with dark red. Upright oval, 18 X 14 Χ 3.
Obv. Cock-headed anguipede, head to r., whip in r. hand, shield on l. arm. Letters of Iao singly in field.
Rev. Abrasax sabao, two lines.
Green jasper. Upright oval, 18 X 13 X 2. Segment broken away from r.
Obv. Cock-headed anguipede, head to r., kilted tunic, chlamys hanging from r. shoulder, whip in r. hand, shield on l. arm. Round margin, divided by the figure, a careless version of ablanathanalba, alphas and lambdas alike, and kappa instead of first beta. Iao at bottom.
Rev. Mιχαηλ Σαβαωθ Aδωvαι Γαβριηλ.
Haematite. Upright oval, 28 X 18 X 3. Obv. slightly chipped at top, and much abraded.
Newell 36
Obv. Cock-headed anguipede, head to l., shield on right arm, whip brandished in left hand; nude except for kilt. Iao on shield.
The stone is unusual in several details. The shield is smaller than usual, and the material is red jasper, rarely used for this type, green jasper and haematite being the commonest materials. Further, the stone is cut seal fashion, as is shown by the fact that the shield is here carried on the left arm. Yet the genuineness of the stone is hardly to be questioned.
Rev. Three common ring signs, and under them five signs of a different sort, which look as though they might be letters of a cryptographic alphabet.
Round bevel, letters widely spaced, abrasax.
Red jasper. Upright oval, 16 X 13 Χ 4.

Last modified: 2012-11-09 11:27:54

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