The CBd
Schwartz - Schwartz on CBd-1418
a: Lion-headed man standing facing, head l., wearing kilt. Around head, nimbus with seven triangular rays. Whip in r. hand, orb in l.
b: ZEΘ A<Φ>OBETWP / ΘPO[ΨE] ME W MI/ΘPO POMΦAWXI / IΛEWC KE TH E/MH ΨVXH KAI TW / EMW BIW (Zeth [Set? or Seth?] who makes fearless, nourish me, O Mithro, spear-holder; be gracious, Lord, to me and my life.) Bonner (p. 185) renders “my goods” for “my life,” a possible but unlikely translation.
Quartz (rock crystal).
Delatte and Derchain 302. Goodenough 1111. BM G502 /CBd-159/.
Last modified: 2016-02-19 21:59:28

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