The CBd
Spier, Gems on CBD-815
London, British Museum, M&LA 1986,5–1,1; formerly in the collection of Roger Pereire, Paris. Bloodstone, F1, 30.0 x 25.3 x 5.8; chipped around edge. Side A: Figure on cross frontally, head turned; nine-line inscription, ΥΙΕ/ ΠΑΤ-ΗΡ ΙΗ/ CΟΥ Χ-ΡΙCΤΕ/ CΟΑΜ-ΝWΑ/ ΜWΑ-WΙΑ/ CΗΙ-ΟΥW/ΑΡΤΑ-ΝΝΑ/ ΥC-ΙΟΥ/ Ι…, “Son, Father, Jesus Christ”, magical names, perhaps ἀρτάνη (“hung up”)? Side B (a different hand?): nine-line inscription, ΙWΕ/ ΕΥΑΕΥΙΙ/ …ΝΟΥΙCΥΕ/ …ΑΔΗΤΟΦW/ ΘΙΕCCΕΤCΚΗΕ/ ΜΜΑΝΑΥΗΛΑ/ CΤΡΑΠΕΤΚΜΗ/ ΦΜΕΙΘWΑΡ/ ΜΕΜΠΕ.
Published: Derchain, “Die alteste Darstellung des Gekreuzigten”, 109–13; Delatte and Derchain, Intailles magiques, 287, no. 408; Dinkler, Signum crucis, 75–76; Engemann, “Glyptik”, 293; Smith, Jesus the Magician, 61 (dated c. 200 AD); BMC Magical Gems, no. 457.
Last modified: 2013-01-24 13:33:17

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