Obv. Demon standing to front dressed in a clinging tunic reaching from neck to knees; hands held together on chest. Two short wings project outward from the shoulders, two from the hips. The figure has the head and neck of a vulture with three short projections above it. From the r. shoulder rise the neck and head of a jackal crowned with a disk, from the l. shoulder the neck and head of an ibis with three short diverging points above it.
Rev. βιχω βιχω βευ βευ χωβι χωβι βευ σουμαρτα. For the last word, see No. 41 /CBd-575/. The rest is a fairly typical "babbling" legend (SMA, pp. 69, 191) .
Haematite. Upright oval, 23 x 19. Published by King, Antique Gems and Rings, II, 47, with pl. 9, 2 (woodcut from drawing).