A: Three-quarter view of a lion-headed figure, head in profile to left, and surrounded with seven rays.
The figure wears a tunic, right hand slightly outstretched and holding an uraeus, with head facing the figure, left hand lowered beside the body. Feet damaged.
B: Characteres and inscription in ten lines: χυχβαχυχ|βαχιχχυχβα|ζαχυχυχβα|καξιχυχβαδη|τοφωθραν||χαμωοχευλ|αμωβαινχ|ωωωχκατ|
C: τασοι.
→ βακαξιχυχ-logos including βαδητοφωθ, ρανχαμωοχ, Εὐλαμω. Greek text: κατάσχες τοὺς θυμοὺς Τασοι. ’Restrain the wrath of Tasos’.
Bonner, SMA on CBd-158
Michel, BM on CBd-158
The British Museum Collection database on CBd-158