A: Male figure (Heracles?), in profile to right, throttling the Nemean lion. He is wearing boots, armour and a mantle. His head is topped with the hemhem-crown, and wears a band (diadem?) on his forehead. In the free field behind the lion, a tree. Inscription around: κυρου|ευτυ|χιτυ|χη → κυροῦ εὐτυχ<ε>ῖ τύχῃ 'Bezwinge (ihn) mit glücklichem Gelingen!'(H. Maehler); κύρ<ι>ου εὐτύχ<ε>ι Τύχη 'Tyche meines Herrn, habe gutes Glück!' (R. Merkelbach).
B: Plain.
Philipp, Mira et Magica on CBd-2021
Michel, DMG, 23.3_1.