A: A lion-headed figure wearing kilt and crowned with eight rays, standing with head to left. Righ hand holding a branch, left hand holding a wreath. To the left of the head, a crescent open to top, to the right, an eight-pointed star. Inscription around, beginning at bottom left: αβλανατανααβα → variant of Ἀβλαναθαναλβα-palindrome. Below the figure in three lines: μιχαηλυψισ|τεγαβριηλκ|ρατιστε → Μιχαὴλ ὕψιστε, Γαβριὴλ κράτιστε. 'Michael, the highest, Gabriel, the strongest.'
B: On the left, Anubis in kilt, right hand holding a flail, left hand holding a wreath (?), facing Hecate trimorph on the right. Hecate is clad in a peplos, her three heads crowned with modii, uppermost hands holding burning torches, middle hands holding daggers, lowermost hands holding whips. Below the figures in four lines: φορβαφορβη|βριμωφο|ρβαπιπ|ορθε → voces including variant of φορβαφορφορβα.
Philipp, Mira et Magica on CBd-221
Michel, DMG, 37.B.1.d_5.
Cast of CBd-221 obverse and reverse in the Gem Impressions Collection of Cornell University Library