A: An Ouroboros, with head at top to left, enclosing deities, a uterus-symbol in the shape of a cupping vessel, and a seven-bitted key below it. The deities, from left to right are Isis wearing a long garment, right hand holding a sistrum, left hand holding a cornucopia (Philipp: rudder?), the lion-headed Chnoubis to left, with seven rays around the head, and a ram crowned with the solar disk (Khnum). Letters above the ram, perhaps: ηυω. Inscription around, outside the Ouroboros: ορμερφεργαρσαρμαρφριουιχ → variant of σοροορ-logos.
B: A uterus-symbol in the shape of an octopus and a scarab with outstreched wings above it. Around the edge, inscription: ορωριουθιαωσαβαωθσταλητιμητρα → ορωριουθ, Ἰάω, Σαβαώθ, στάληθι μήτρα. ’Uterus, contract!'
C: Inscribed around the edge: ψαμμουννιουμμαυτθιανμιανολυοβασ → voces including ψαμμουννιουμμαυτ.
Philipp, Mira et Magica on CBd-225
Michel, DMG, 54.4.c_1.