gesture, hand raised to mouth; Harpocrates seated with one leg bent in knee; Harpocrates sitting on lotus flower; plant: lotus buds (2); jewellery: bracelet; side-lock of youth; rays (7); solar disk
Divine Names & Voces:
A: Harpocrates sitting in frontal view on a lotus with the left leg bent in knee, head turned left in profile. Under the flower two lotus stalks with buds. His right hand raised to his mouth, his left holds a lotus bud. He is wearing a bracelet on his right wrist and a ring around his right ankle. A long side-lock of youth is falling to his neck; seven rays around the head. On the top of his head: the solar disk.
B: Inscribed in two lines: αρσε|νοφρη → αρσενοφρη.
A praxis known from a papyrus (PGM LXI 1-38) specifies that love charms had to be incised with the image of Horus on a lotus flower and the magical name Abraxas.Pieces with the Horus-scheme used as love charms: CBd-533, CBd-534.
CBd-519. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
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