Pantheos; protomes of animals (4-4); crown, atef; scarab; bird: falcon; animal: quadrupeds, unspecified (3); scorpion?; scepter, with animal's head on the top; standard; Bes, face of; flail; snakes (2); Ouroboros; cartouche; tufts on the knees (animal protomes); feet, in the shape of jackal's heads; tail of bird; tail of crocodile; figure, with multiple arms; scepters (2); weapon: knives (2)
Divine Names & Voces:
voces, unidentified
A: Bes-Pantheos striding right on an Ouroboros cartouche enclosing, from left to right: scarab, falcon, two quadrupedes, unidentifiable animal, scorpion. The head is surrounded by four animal protomes, and topped with an atef-crown with ram’s horns, uraei and sun disk. The god has four arms and four wings, upper arms holding standard-like scepters, cobras and knives, lower arms hanging beside the body, left one holding a scepter with animal head on top, right one holding a flail. The body is in frontal view, with double straps crossing the chest in X-shape, bird’s tail and crocodile’s tail project from the hips. Feet in profile in the shape of jackal’s heads, to left, knees decorated with animal protomes.
B: Inscription in thirteen lines, mostly unintelligible:
υωσιν|ωθχυιθ|[- -]ιλρσαρλχ[- -]|[- -]ραδχ[- -]|[- -]α[- - - -]αω[- -]||[- - - -]νοχο[- -]|[- - -]σο[- - -]|[- - -]υλλρο[- -]|[- - - -]ο[- -]|[- - - - -]α[- -]||[- - - - - -]|χλ[- - - -]|λ[- - - -].
CBd-559. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
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