A: Lion-headed Chnoubis to right, with a nimbus and six double rays around the head. Inscription above the head, with the letters arranged between the rays: αεηιουω → The Greek vowel series.
B: At the top: Chnoubis-sign. Below: inscription in six lines: χνουβισ|ναβισ|βιεννουσ|υδωρδιψη|αρτοσπεινη||πυρρειγοι → Χνουβίς ναβις βιεννους ὕδωρ δίψῃ ἄρτος πείνῃ πῦρ ῥ{ε}ίγ{ο}<ε>ι. 'Chnoubis Nabis Biennous, give water for thirst, bread for hunger, fire for cold.'
CBd-713. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
Retrieved from: cbd.mfab.hu/cbd/713 on 09-03-2025.