A: Phoenix standing on a globe with nimbus and six rays around the head, to left. Above, a scarab with outstretched wings; below, a crocodile, to right. On the two sides, pairs of animals: swallows facing inwards, scorpions crawling to top and snakes with 'hands' raised protectively. (For an interpretation, cf. CBd-2.)
B: Inscription in two lines: πεπ|τε → πέπτε. 'Digest!'. Beneath: Chnoubis-sign.
Michel, BM on CBd-772
Nagy 2012, comm. ad Bonner IV 60-61
http://www.britishmuseum.org/research/search_the_collection_database/search_object_details.aspx?objectid=61750&partid=1&searchText=55008&fromADBC=ad&toADBC=ad&numpages=10&orig=%2fresearch%2fsearch_the_collection_database.aspx¤tPage=1" target="_blank">The British Museum Collection database on CBd-772