A: Large, herm-like figure standing to front on a base, arms crossed in front of the chest, wearing mummy bandage, beard and a crown (of thorns?). Below, four figures (two to left, two to right) squatting on a globe decorated with five stars, also with arms crossed. The two figures on the sides have wings, and are connected to the larger figure through lines. At the top, two six-pointed stars to the left and right of the figure. Below the stars, inscription in three lines: ιχιηυιν υιηυιου | ουχοοχ οιτυηι | χιχτηδ υιοιυν. To the left and right of the four figures: ιπι ουι → unidentified voces. Above the winged figures: χ πα θ. → Χριστός. πάτηρ. θεός. ? (S. Michel)
B: Crowned mummy with arms crossed in front of the chest, similar to the one represented on the obverse. On the left and right of the figure, eight six-pointed stars (six at the top, two at the bottom), and characteres or the letters ωπ.
CBd-968. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
Retrieved from: cbd.mfab.hu/cbd/968 on 06-02-2025.