The CBd
Bonner, SMA on CBd-1356
Seyrig 7
Obv. At r., ram-headed god (Chnum) with disk on head seated to l., holding in extended r. hand the uterine symbol with a tiny Harpocrates seated on it. At l., a female figure partly broken away, standing to r. and raising r. hand toward Harpocrates. A groove above her hand is an accidental scratch or chip. Above, the seven vowels; in exergue, ραλθεμιθ (cf. the last word in the reverse inscription of 139).
Rev. Inscription in seven lines, damaged at r.: ιαιαιαηιηι Ιαωwσαβαω α[δ]ωναι (five characters and an imperfect Chnoubis symbol) σο[ρ]οορoορωριουθ. The Soroor formula is abbreviated here, just as similar ones are mentioned by their first three or four syllables in magical papyri.
Haematite. Upright oval, 18 X 11 X 3.
Last modified: 2012-07-31 14:07:02

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