Green jasper shaded with red. Transverse oval, 15 Χ 11 Χ 4.
Discussed and illustrated in JEA 16 (1930), 8, Pl. 9, 4.
Newell 31
Obv. Harpocrates seated to l. on lotus in usual attitude; the lotus is supported by a scarab with spread wings, which in turn rests on a papyrus boat. Seated at l. end of the boat, a ram‑headed god holding a paddle; standing at r. end, Anubis with steering paddle. The ends of the boat are decorated with indistinct animal heads.
Rev. Peculiar inscription in three lines, Greek and non‑Greek letters mixed, the whole unintelligible.
Haematite. Transverse oval, 16 X 13 X 6. Obv. convex, rev. flat.
Obv. Harpocrates seated to l., knees drawn up, in very small papyrus boat. Disk over head, which is shaven except for scalp lock, flail whip over l. shoulder. Above, three scarabs, at l., three crowned hawks, at r., three goats; below, three crocodiles at l., three snakes at r. Star and crescent at l. and r. of Harpocrates' head.
Rev. Inscription in five lines, σθoμβαυλη βαoλι σoμβαλακαμ σθoμβλη.
Bronze. Upright oblong with rounded corners, 33 X 20 X 1.
Obv. Harpocrates seated to l. in small papyrus boat, knees drawn up, hands in usual position; head smooth except for scalp lock; disk over head, star at l. of head, crescent at r. Above, three scarabs, at l., three hawks, at r., three goats. The lower part of the design is broken off, but the heads of two reptiles can be seen under the l. end of the boat.
Rev. Chabrach formula (see No. 205) in five lines, followed, apparently, by τὴv χάριv and one or two other letters. There are also other letters round the margin, making no sense.
Haematite. Upright oval, but about a fourth has broken off at the bottom, after which the remainder was set in a modern silver (?) mounting. Present measurements 22 Χ 21 Χ 2.
Bonner 15
Obv. Ouroboros enclosing Harpocrates seated to l. in the usual attitude on lotus in a papyrus boat, which differs from most other representations in resting flat on the water, with the ends rising at right angles. Three scarabs above, three hawks at l., three goats at r.; under the boat, at l., three crocodiles, at r., three snakes.
Rev. χαβραχ φvεσχηρ φιχρo φvυρω φωχω βωχ. This is the chabrach formula, the numerical significance of which (9999) was first established in connection with this stone; see JEA 16 (1930), 6–8.
Red jasper. Upright oval, ca. 19 X 14. Set in modern gold ring.
Obv. Harpocrates seated to r. in very small papyrus raft, r. hand raised towards mouth, l. holding flail whip. Small disk on head, star and crescent at l. and r. Above, three scarabs, at l., three hawks, at r., three goats, below at l., three cobras, at r., three crocodiles.
Rev. The Chabrach formula complete. On the bevel, δὸς χάριv φoρoῦvτι, “Grant favor to the wearer.”
Dark brown jasper. Upright oval, 23 Χ 19 Χ 5. Edge slightly chipped.
Obv. Harpocrates kneeling to l. on lotus, r. hand to lips, l. holding flail. Scarabs, hawks, and goats in the usual arrangement; but below, the engraver has so slighted his pattern that it is doubtful whether he meant to represent crocodiles or snakes; probably the former. Very crude work, of interest only because of the unusual kneeling posture of Harpocrates and the absence of a boat or raft.
Rev. Aκαμφαδωvεβασαμμαχαρακωσιβωχ αρoυηλ αρoυηλαιλαμ σεμεσιλαμ; the last word is on the bevel, followed by ιηιη (character) ιαι. Read αρoυηλ <λ>αιλαμ.
Dark green jasper. Upright oval, 24