Asar (Budge, Gods, I, 507), standing to front on the heads of two facing crocodiles, each hand grasping a snake by its neck. The type is influenced by the stelae of Horus. On each shoulder is a minute and uncertain object; on the right, perhaps a small hawk crowned with the disk, on the left, an adoring cynocephalus. The god's headdress seems to be a disk with a central depression, resting on a sort of pad. Over it, head of Mut, to which are attached long thin arms supporting vulture wings (cf. Budge, Gods, II, 28). To r. and l. of Horus, Isis and Nephthys, not differentiated, each with one hand holding the ankh, the other raised towards Horus. These figures, with the overarching wings of Mut, give the effect of a shrine in which Horus stands. Below, in two rows, Egyptian sheep, lion, and an uncertain animal, perhaps a snake; a crouching ape, a basket or low cauldron with triangular projections from the rim, and a cartouche with handle at one side. For several details of this design compare the small Horus stele described under the next number.
Haematite. Upright oval, 35 Χ 21 Χ 5. The bevel is grooved to secure the stone in a setting.
Stele of Horus. Obv. Horus as a chubby, short-legged infant like the infantine type (Pataikos, Herod. 3, 37) of Ptah, standing to front, hands at his sides, feet resting upon the snouts of two crocodiles facing each other. Their bodies are made to coil round the edges and back of the stone. A small hawk is perched upon each shoulder. On each edge of the stele, facing outwards, stands a nude goddess with indistinct headdress; these figures are probably meant for Isis and Nephthys.
Rev. Nude goddess standing to front, head to r., upon the bodies of the crocodiles, disk and feather on her head. To the thin arms are attached broad wings drooping to the ground. Probably Mut.
Steatite. Height 77, width of base 60. Perforated for suspension near upper corners.
Obv. Pantheos of simplified type standing to front, feet turned to r. The indistinct head wears the headcloth and a disk or the lower part of a taller crown, which is partly chipped off. No other clothing except apron. Two wings extended from shoulders. L. hand holds tall crutch scepter, r., hanging at side, holds the sign
Rev. In seven lines, χωσα μειλαω κεχωκωι πλωχθυ παωχoλoζλα ζαρμε. Several elements of this inscription occur in De Ridder 3503, a chalcedony from Bagdad which bears no figure design.
Lapis lazuli. Upright oval, 16 X 12 X 4. Chipped at top and lower left.
Obv. Pantheos standing to front on cartouche formed by an ouroboros, which contains six indistinct signs. Crudely engraved human face, on each side of which are five projections meant for heads of animals. Atef crown. The figure has four wings, bird tail, tufts on knees. There is a horizontal bar (meant for extended arms?) proceeding from each shoulder above the wings; another pair of arms hanging, indistinct. On each side, supported by the wings, a was scepter with curious branches near the top. On the right side there is a third scepter nearer the body. At l. of the crown, a hawk with disk, at r., a small bird.
Rev. Inscription in seven lines ιαω ευλαμω ιευηηυ, then, α εε, etc., ending with seven omegas.
Green jasper. Upright oval, 26 Χ 20 Χ 6.
Obv. Pantheos to r. Head indistinct (but not head of ram, as stated in Wyndham Cook Catalogue); atef crown; four wings, bird tail, feet ending in serpents. Figure stands on oblong cartouche formed by ouroboros,