The CBd
Bonner, SMA, 313.

represent the sun. The constellation Ophiuchus.
Rev. Plain.
Haematite. Lower half of elliptical stone, present measurements 20 X 18. Inaccurately described by Chabouillet; previously published by Mariette, Traité des pierres gravées, II, 70.
Obv. Man standing to r. holding long snake across his body. Bird on head. Two ring signs in upper field, star and three-pronged sign lower. At bottom, vowels in imperfect palindrome, and other letters. Extremely crude work.
Rev. Plain.
Smoky-gray chalcedony. Upright oval, 24 X 21 X 9. Both faces convex, no bevel.
Obv. Design encircled by serpent with seven-rayed human head, turned inward to r. facing Sarapis, who is seated to l. on throne, r. hand extended, l. resting on tall scepter with bird on top. Over his head, a scarab beetle with extended wings. Scorpion just below the extended r. hand; above it, between Sarapis and the serpent's head, a gabled stele inscribed with three characters. The throne rests on a crocodile, head to l., this in turn on a mummy, head to l. wearing atef crown; the mummy again lies on the back of a lion walking to l. and breathing fire from nostrils. Behind Sarapis, star, crescent, and the vowels arranged, not quite accurately, in form of an inverted pyramid, not completed at bottom for want of room. Scattered in field, above, to l. and below, the letters of the word ablanathanalba, not in sequence; also a few characters. Ladderlike sign below serpent's head. Round margin outside the serpent, the Iaeo palindrome complete but for a few letters chipped away at top.
Rev. Harpocrates seated to l. on lotus flower, r. hand (with ornament or amulet on wrist) raised toward lips, l. holding flail whip. Disk over head, which shows scalp lock. Star and crescent above. Field crowded with characters and letters; those at top make the word βακαξιχυχ. On bevel, the vowels arranged in pyramid sequence, one alpha, two epsilons, etc., to seven omegas, which are followed by Iαωι.
Bloodstone. Upright oval, 43 Χ 32 Χ 5. Chipped at top and r. edge. The largest specimen of the type, cut on a beautiful stone. The work, however, is coarse, and the letters are badly engraved.
Obv. Sarapis seated to l. on throne which rests upon a crocodile, head to l. The crocodile is placed immediately over a mummy wearing atef crown, lying on the back of a lion walking to l. Sarapis' r. hand is extended over a scorpion, the tail of which seems to be pressed between the god's right foot and the crocodile's head. Over the hand of Sarapis, an uncertain object, perhaps an unusual type of incense burner. The whole design is encircled by a serpent with human head, adorned with seven rays and an ovoid ornament, which is turned inward to face Sarapis. In upper field, αβλαvαθαv, under Sarapis' hand, Iαω, at left and below scattered letters making no sense. Almost half the design has been broken away, including the back, left arm, and most of the head of Sarapis, the tail of the crocodile, the lower part of the mummy, and the hindquarters of the lion. Round margin, outside the serpent, some letters that seem to be part of the Iaeo formula. The remainder has been lost by the breaking away of the right half of the stone and the abrasion of the left edge.
Rev. Harpocrates seated to l. on lotus, flail whip over l. shoulder, crescent behind head; face, r. arm, and legs broken away. Round margin, βαλακαμσθoμβλη, part of a formula associated with solar deities; nearer center, ιv τω φoρυv (to be completed δὸς χάριv τῷ φoρoῦvτι, “Grant favor to the wearer”).
Haematite. Upright oval, present meas-

Last modified: 2012-11-13 01:32:27

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