The CBd
Bonner, SMA, 292.

Rev. Inscription in ten lines, χυχ βαχυχ βακαχυχ βαζακαχυχ βακαξιχυχ βαιvχωωωχ.
Serpentine. Upright oval, 32 X 25 Χ 3. Shallow cutting.
R.O.M.A. C 1146
Obv. Lion-headed god standing to l., r. hand to mouth, l. at side; dress seems to be the apron, with a sort of chlamys across upper chest; ovoid ornament on head and four rays on head and neck. Inscription beginning at upper r., χυχ βαχυχ βακαξιχυχ βατη. The last word is probably for βαδη(τoφωθ); there was not room for the bracketed syllables.
Rev. Plain.
Jasper. Upright oval, 20 X 15.
Obv. Lion-headed god, standing to front, head to r., nude except for apron, holds situla in r. hand, in l. an erect snake, its head lost by a chip at upper right.
Rev. In three lines σαβαω φρηv Iαω; φρηv is for φρη, “the sun.”
Green jasper shading to red below. Upright oval, 19 X 14 X 2.
Obv. Lion-headed god standing to l., r. hand raised towards mouth, left resting on hip. Eight rays on head. Draped from waist to ankles, apparently nude above. In field at r., three square sigmas in vertical column, at l., a kind of scepter represented by a long vertical stroke passing through four square sigmas two of which open upward, the others downward. A similar sign is cut twice along with magical words, part of the χυχβαχυχ formula, on the back of a little seated figure of Maat (?), carved from green feldspar (No. 373). The sign is of uncertain origin and meaning; it does not seem to be Egyptian, and of foreign sources one can only suggest the trident, the caduceus, and the Babylonian lightning-fork.
Rev. χυχ βαχυχ βακαχυχ βακαξιχυχ βαγητo βαιvχωωωχ.
Serpentine. Upright oval, 20 X 16.
Walters Art Gallery 42.866
Obv. Lion-headed god standing to l., naked except for kilt, holding dagger upright in r. hand, caduceus in l. Under his feet, in two lines, σεσεvγεvφαραvγη. Two wavy lines seem to proceed from the lion's mouth. Perhaps they are meant for flames, though they are more like crudely cut snakes; and they differ little from the locks into which the mane divides.
Rev. Plain.
Haematite. Upright oval, 14 X 11 Χ 2.
Obv. Lion-headed god standing to front, head to l. Seven rays round head, whip in r., orb in l.; chlamys fastened at neck and falling behind back to below knees. Better work than most magical gems.
Rev. Inscription in six lines: Ζεθ ἄφoβε τωρθρoψμεωμιθoρovφαωχι ειλεoς τη εμε ψυχη και τυς εμoυς τεκvυς. In the last three lines read ἵλεως τῇ ἐμῇ ψυχῇ καὶ τoῖς ἐμoῖς τέκvoις. Several letters of the third line are scratched lightly under the same letters incised.
Rock crystal. Broad upright oval, 25 X 23 Χ 15. Very convex on both sides, more so on the reverse.
Obv. Lion-headed god standing to front, head to l., naked but for apron. Nimbus with seven triangular rays round head, whip in r. hand, orb in l.
Rev. Ζεθ αoβε τωρθρoψμεωμιθρoρoμφαωχι ἵλεως  τῇ ἐμῇ ψυχῇ καὶ τῷ ἐμῷ βίῷ; cf. the preceding number, and see p. 153. αoβε should be ἄφoβε, but there is no trace of phi. The use of the abbreviation shows a Judaeo-Christian influence, which appears also in magical papyri (Traube, Nomina Sacra, pp. 3840, 91–93; Thompson, Palaeography, pp. 76–77). It suggests the possibility that the amulets of this group may have been made for Sethian Gnostics.
Rock crystal. Upright oval, 20 X 17 X 9. Obv. slightly convex, rev. very convex.

Last modified: 2012-11-12 19:18:00

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